As stated in our By-laws, at the first meeting after his/her election or as soon thereafter as practical, the President shall appoint the following committees:

Aid to Members Committee – The committee shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be the Treasurer.  It shall be the duty of this committee, and this committee only, to consider applications for financial aid to needy professional members, to investigate same, and to make recommendations to the membership present at the monthly general meeting. Any financial aid request granted from a local chapter should be presented to the National Association at its next meeting for potentially matching the aid given.

Charitable Donations – The committee shall consist of two members one being the Treasurer.  It is the duty of this committee to report to the Executive Board and any members present at a general membership meeting any requests for donations from the FW PHA.  The committee shall execute due diligence in investigating the organization making the request to determine if it is a viable organization to potentially receive donations.

Finance Committee – The committee shall consist of five members (if possible) one of whom shall be the Treasurer.  It shall be the duty of this committee to recommend to the Executive Board, and then the general members present at a monthly general meeting, the use of investment of assets and property of the association. The committee shall give a report at each monthly general meeting.

Grievance Committee – The committee shall consist of five members, two of whom shall be Vice Presidents.  It shall be the duty of this committee to consider, investigate, and make recommendations to the executive board any complaint of members concerning the operation of the Association, or the actions of persons or groups deemed not to be in the best interest of the Association.

Disciplinary Committee – The committee shall consist of the current President, Membership Committee Chairperson, and at least one member at large appointed by the President.  It shall be the duty of this committee to conduct and disciplinary proceedings, and, if appropriate, impose any penalties or sanctions which may include – taking no further action against the member, reprimand the member, suspend the membership rights of the member for a specified period of time or expel the member from the Association.

Website/Publicity Committee – The committee shall consist of three members including the chapter Recording Secretary.  It shall be the duty of this committee to promote the interests of the chapter through all media outlets, to approve all publicity relating to the chapter, and to regularly update the chapter website and social media outlets.

Junior/Associate Committee – The committee shall consist of one or more members whose job it will be to coordinate activities, programs/awards for junior and associate members.

Membership Committee – The committee shall consist of two members one of whom shall be the Treasurer.  It shall be the duty of this committee to receive requests for membership applications which are to be presented at the next possible general membership meeting for consideration.  New applications will be held for a minimum of one month following presentation for any investigation by committee and professional members. This committee is responsible for sending out annual dues notifications and tracking membership standings.  They will also work with High Score Committee in determining membership status of named trainers in the high score program.

High Score Program Committee – The committee shall consist of the High Score point keeper along with two other chapter members.  It shall be the duty of this committee to update the program’s rule book on a yearly basis (at the start of each new show year), and to have it posted on the chapter’s website.  Any changes to the rule book will be brought to a general membership meeting for discussion and implementation. The score keeper will post updated points on the website at least every two weeks.  Scorekeeper will also receive and confirm completeness of incoming applications to join the program.  They will notify applicants/trainers of any needed information or action for application to be accepted into the high score program.  High Score Committee members shall assist the Horse Show Committee in the planning and execution of the year-end finals horse show as well assisting the Banquet Committee in the planning of the annual banquet.

Horse Show Committee – The committee shall consist of the FW PHA Horse Show manager and up to five other members.  This committee shall design FW PHA horse shows in accordance with USEF and all governing body rules and specifications.  Committee members will be expected to be present at shows to provide assistance with set-up (usually the day before the show), take down, course changes, and to help where needed throughout the day.   

High Score Banquet Committee – The committee shall consist of two to three members.  This committee will plan and execute the annual banquet to celebrate those individuals’ accomplishments in the high score program. 

Norman Bray Award Committee – The committee shall consist of three general members with history in the Association to assess and select a recipient for this award which will be presented at the annual banquet.  The award recognizes an individual each year that has consistently provided support to the Association through volunteerism, sportsmanship and fulfillment of its mission.

 Judy Richter Award Committee - The committee shall consist of at general members with one acting as Chairperson.  The Chairperson shall serve as the collector of participants’ application, references and essay. .  Readers will determine their top choice in each age category (there are three) and notify Chairperson.  Winners will be announced at the annual banquet.  This award is based upon an essay (topic to be determined each year through membership suggestions) written by participant. 

Art of Clinic Committee – The committee shall consist of at least two general members.  The committee shall plan, coordinate and execute yearly educational workshop/clinic.

USEF/USHJA Committee – The committee shall consist of at least two general members who are also members of USEF/USHJA. The committee shall report at general membership meetings relevant information coming out of USEF/USHJA.

2022 Comittees:
Finance committee: Fred Schauder, Chris Dwyer, Kathleen Rice
Correspondence: Christine Nastasi
Aid to Members: Easy Kelsey, Carol Molony, Fred Schauder, Mary Jane MItchell, John Scapelhorn
Grievance Committee:, Scott Tarter, Fred Schauder, Lynn Peters
Discipline Committee: Barb Filippelli, Chris Dwyer, Fred Schauder
Charitable Donations: Chris Dwyer, Christine Nastasi, Lisa Quinlan
Membership: Chris Dwyer, Kathleen Rice
Jr/ Associate PHA: Christine Nastasi, Lisa Quinlan, Regina Pileggi, Stephanie King
HIgh Score Program: Scott Tarter, Lisa Quinlan, Carla Sacco
Horse Show: Lynn Peters, Kathleen Rice, Trish Dencker, Lainie Wimberly, Lisa Quinlan, Christine Nastasi      
Website & Social Media: Scott Tarter, Regina Pileggi, Shelbi Heady
High Score Banquet: Christina Schauder, Shelbi Heady, Regina Pileggi
"Art of" Clinic: Chris Dwyer, Cynthia Williams
USEF/USHJA: Kathleen Rice, Rich Luckhardt
Judy Richter Essay Award: Christine Nastasi, Carol Molony, Mary Jane Mitchell, Lynn Peters
Norman Bray Award: Judy Richter, Carol Molony, Rich Killian

“Horsemen Helping Horsemen”
Since 1936